Since 2021


RPGeNet v2.0: expanding the universe of retinal disease gene interactions network
Database, vol2019:baz120, 2019. OPEN ACCESS
Genetic study of atypical femoral fractures using exome sequencing in three affected sisters and three unrelated patients.
Rev Osteoporos Metab Miner. , 10(4)
:108—118, 2018.

Assessment of transcript reconstruction methods for RNA-seq
Nature Methods, 10(12) :1177-84, 2013. FREE FULL TEXT
High transcriptional complexity of the retinitis pigmentosa CERKL gene in human and mouse
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (IOVS), 52(8) :5202—14, 2011. FREE FULL TEXT

The diploid genome sequence of an individual human
PLoS Biology, 5(10)
:e254, 2007. OPEN ACCESS

Editorial: ECCB/JBI 2005.
Bioinformatics, 21(suppl.2)
:ii1–ii2, 2005. FREE FULL TEXT
Until 2000

Other Publications
Book Chapters

Genome Annotation
Book chapter, pages 195–209.
In: Ranganathan S., Nakai K., Schönbach C., and Gribskov M. (eds)
Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, vol 2, 2019.
Elsevier Inc. ISBN: 978-0-12-811432-2
Gene-finding related terms and definitions.
Contributed articles for computational gene-finding terms.In: Zvelebil M.J. and Hancock J.M. (eds)
Concise Encyclopaedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2nd ed., 2014.
Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-0-470-97871-9
La regeneració i l’homeòstasi en les planàries, un model clàssic de biologia del desenvolupament.
‘’Regeneration and homeostasis in the planarians, a classic model of developmental biology’.’
Book chapter, pages 93-106.‘’Regeneration and homeostasis in the planarians, a classic model of developmental biology’.’
In: Corominas M. and Valls M. (eds)
Organismes model en Biologia, vol 62, 2011.
Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Biologia. ISSN: 0212-3037
Computational gene annotation in new genome assemblies using GeneID
Book chapter, pages 243—261.
In: Posada D. (ed)
Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis.
Methods in Molecular Biology (Methods and Protocols), vol 537, 2009.
Humana Press. ISBN: 978-1-58829-910-9
Sequence Similarity Based Gene Prediction.
Book chapter 8, pages 95-105.In: Suhai S. (ed).
Genomics and Proteomics: Functional and Computational Aspects, 31 July 2000.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishing Press, New York. ISBN: 0-306-46312-1
PhD Theses
Computational methods for the identification of emergent viruses analyzed by high-throughput sequencing in water and food.
Mètodes computacionals per a la identificació de virus emergents analitzats per seqüenciació en massa en aigua i aliments.
PhD Thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, July 27th, 2017.Mètodes computacionals per a la identificació de virus emergents analitzats per seqüenciació en massa en aigua i aliments.
Codirected by J.F. Abril and R. Girones.
Characterizing Neoblasts as Stem Cell Model
Caracterización del Neoblasto como Modelo de Célula Madre
PhD Thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, February 4th, 2016.Caracterización del Neoblasto como Modelo de Célula Madre
Codirected by J.F. Abril and E. Saló.
Comparative Analysis of Eukaryotic Gene Sequence Features
PhD Thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, May 17th, 2005.Directed by R. Guigó