
Hjelmsø et al, PLoS ONE, 2017

Author: JF Abril - Published At: 2017-01-18 00:00 - (1386 Reads)

Evaluation of Methods for the Concentration and Extraction of Viruses from Sewage in the Context of Metagenomic Sequencing.

M.H. Hjelmsø, M. Hellmér, X. Fernandez-Cassi, N. Timoneda, O. Lukjancenko, M. Seidel, D. Elsässer, F.M. Aarestrup, C. Löfström, S. Bofill-Mas, J.F. Abril, R. Girones, A.C. Schultz

PLoS ONE, 12(1): e0170199, 2017.


European Comission is working on legislative or other instruments to boost water reuse.

Author: natalia - Published At: 2016-05-24 00:00 - (2173 Reads)
European Union Policies

Water reuse contributes to the broader water sector which is a key component of EU eco-industrial landscape. This topic has been currently under discussion in public consultations as well as in various studies requested by the European Commission. Limited awareness of potential benefits among stakeholders and the general public, and lack of a supportive and coherent framework for water reuse are two major barriers currently preventing a wider spreading of this practice in the EU. For these reasons the Commission is working on legislative or other instruments to boost water reuse when it is cost-efficient and safe for health and the environment.
