Training in courses and workshops.
Classification of BRCA and HRR variants
The European Molecular Genetics Quality Network (EMQN) and Genomics Quality Assessment (GenQA)
Online workshop
28 April and 30 June 2021
High Throughput Sequencing: Lab Methods and Computational Challenges
Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
Barcelona (Spain)
14 – 18 October 2013 -
Big Data Analysis
Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona
Barcelona (Spain)
30 April – 9 May 2013
Current Trends in Biomedicine: Mechanisms of Organ Regeneration in Model Systems
International University of Andalucia
Baeza (Spain)
5 – 7 October 2009 -
Perspectives in Stem Cell Proteomics Training Workshop
Wellcome Trust Conference Center and EMBL-EBI
Hinxton (United Kingdom)
22 – 23 March 2009
September 2006 – June 2007
PhD courses at the University of Barcelona
- Statistical inference fundamentals (40 hours)
- Statistical methods in bioinformatics (30 hours)
- Informatics tools for molecular genetics (30 hours)
- Seminars about genetics research (30 hours)
- Molecular evolution of DNA: inter-specific divergence (30 hours)
- DNA: structure/function relation (30 hours)
- Regeneration and stem cells (30 hours)
DNA? How Many Genes the Genome Has?
“la Caixa” Foundation
Barcelona (Spain)
19 November 2004 -
Computational Techniques for the Analysis of DNA sequences. Applications to gene prediction.
“la Caixa” Foundation
Barcelona (Spain)
19 – 20 November 2004
UNIX-LINUX Basic Administration
University of Barcelona
20 hours -
Introduction to Java
University of Barcelona
30 hours -
Elements of Programming in Internet
University of Barcelona
30 hours -
Introduction to Database Management (Oracle) and SQL Language
University of Barcelona
20 hours
- 4th Course of Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for High-school Students
University of Barcelona and Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Barcelona (Spain)
26 – 30 June 2000