#========================# # The Planarian FTP Site # #========================# DISCLAIMER: ----------- We do not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or process disclosed. We make no claims about the suitability or accuracy of the sequences available here for any purpose, and makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or that the use of these data will not infringe any third party patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other rights. Data is provided "AS IS". The materials contained in this site can be downloaded or copied provided that ALL copies are under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/]. Any redistribution of the data should carry this notice. If you use data available from this web site, please cite the following paper: "Smed454 dataset: unravelling the transcriptome of Schmidtea mediterranea" Abril, Cebria et al, BMC Genomics, 2010, 11:731 [http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/11/731/abstract] FTP directory structure and file naming conventions: ---------------------------------------------------- To facilitate storage and download all data are GNU Zip (gzip, *.gz) or ZIP (zip, *.zip) compressed. So when the download is complete, please use appropriate unzip program and decompress all the files. README.txt : this file (detailed description of what directory contains). FWD.fa.gz & REVFWD.fa.gz : ESTs from Schmidtea mediterranea NCBI UniGene set. Files below have been produced on Skuld-Tech facilities [http://www.skuldtech.com/]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSEMBLAGE_PLANARIAN_90.zip : cluster/contigs construction as ACE format with 90 percent of similarity. ASSEMBLAGE_PLANARIAN_98.zip : cluster/contigs construction as ACE format with 98 percent of similarity. ASSEMBLAGE_PLANARIAN_90e.zip : cluster/contigs construction as ACE format with 90 percent of similarity and using previous old cleaned UniGene ESTs. consensus_planarian_98db.gz : nucleotide cluster/contigs sequences as multifasta format with 98 percent of similarity. consensus_planarian_90db.gz : nucleotide cluster/contigs sequences as multifasta format with 90 percent of similarity. consensus_planarian_90edb.gz : nucleotide cluster/contigs sequences as multifasta format with 90 percent of similarity and using previous old cleaned UniGene ESTs. consensus_planarian_prot_98db.gz : protein sequences as multifasta format translated from their corresponding cluster/contigs sequences. consensus_planarian_prot_90db.gz : protein sequences as multifasta format translated from their corresponding cluster/contigs sequences. consensus_planarian_prot_90edb.gz : protein sequences as multifasta format translated from their corresponding cluster/contigs sequences. Files below have been computed on Computational Genomics Lab facilities [http://compgen.bio.ub.es/]: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90db.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.hitdesc.tbl.gz : Results of BLASTX against NCBI NRprot for the GO analysis on Smed454-90db dataset. 98db.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.hitdesc.tbl.gz : Results of BLASTX against NCBI NRprot for the GO analysis on Smed454-98db dataset. 90edb.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.hitdesc.tbl.gz : Results of BLASTX against NCBI NRprot for the GO analysis on Smed454-90edb dataset. consensus_planarian_90db.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.out.BP.goa.gz consensus_planarian_90db.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.out.CC.goa.gz consensus_planarian_90db.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.out.MF.goa.gz Biological Process (BP), Cellular Component (CC) and Molecular Function (MF) GO annotation for all the sequences on Smed454-90db. consensus_planarian_98db.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.out.BP.goa.gz consensus_planarian_98db.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.out.CC.goa.gz consensus_planarian_98db.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.out.MF.goa.gz Biological Process (BP), Cellular Component (CC) and Molecular Function (MF) GO annotation for all the sequences on Smed454-98db. consensus_planarian_90edb.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.out.BP.goa.gz consensus_planarian_90edb.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.out.CC.goa.gz consensus_planarian_90edb.ncbi_blastx_NRprot.out.MF.goa.gz Biological Process (BP), Cellular Component (CC) and Molecular Function (MF) GO annotation for all the sequences on Smed454-90edb.