

  • Cryptosporidium and Giardia safety margin increase in leafy green vegetables irrigated with treated wastewater
    E. Domenech, I. Amorós, Y. Moreno, J.L. Alonso.
    International Journal of hygiene and Environmental Health 2017.

  • Multiple identification of most important waterborne protozoa in surface water used for irrigation purposes by 18S rRNA amplicon-based metagenomics
    Y. Moreno, L. Moreno-Mesonero, I. Amorós, R. Pérez, J.A. Morillo, J.L. Alonso
    International Journal of hygiene and Environmental Health 2017.

  • Metagenomics for the study of viruses in urban sewage as a tool for public health surveillance
    X. Fernandez-Cassi, N. Timoneda, S. Martínez-Puchol, M. Rusiñol, J. Rodriguez-Manzano, N. Figuerola, S. Bofill-Mas, J.F. Abril, R. Girones.
    Science of the Total Environment 2017.

  • Characterization of the efficiency and uncertainty of skimmed milk flocculation for the simultaneous concentration and quantification of water-borne viruses, bacteria and protozoa.
    E. Gonzales-Gustavson, Y. Cardenas-Youngs, M. Calvo M., M. Figueira, A. Hundesa, I. Amorós, Y. Moreno, L. Moreno-Mesonero, R. Rosell, L. Ganges, R. Araujo, R. Girones
    Journal of Microbiological Methods, 134:46-53, 2017.
    DOI PubMed

  • Detection of viable Helicobacter pylori inside free-living amoebae in wastewater and drinking water samples from Eastern Spain.
    L. Moreno-Mesonero, Y. Moreno, J.L. Alonso, M.A. Ferrús
    Environmental Microbiology, 2017.
    DOI PubMed

  • A metagenomic assessment of viral contamination on fresh parsley plants irrigated with fecally tainted river water.
    X. Fernandez-Cassi, N. Timoneda, E. Gonzales-Gustavson,JF. Abril ,S. Bofill-Mas, R. Girones
    Int J Food Microbiol, 18; 257:80-90, 2017.
    DOI PubMed

  • Evaluation of Methods for the Concentration and Extraction of Viruses from Sewage in the Context of Metagenomic Sequencing.
    M.H. Hjelmsø, M. Hellmér, X. Fernandez-Cassi, N. Timoneda, O. Lukjancenko, M. Seidel, D. Elsässer, F.M. Aarestrup, C. Löfström, S. Bofill-Mas, J.F. Abril, R. Girones, A.C. Schultz
    PLoS ONE, 12(1): e0170199, 2017.
    DOI PubMed Full Text PDF

  • Evaluation of different conditions and culture media for the recovery of Aeromonas spp. from water and shellfish samples.
    F. Latif-Eugenin , R. Beaz-Hidalgo and M.J. Figueras
    J Appl Microbiol. 2016 Sep;121(3):883-91.
    DOI PubMed

  • Reassessment of the Enteropathogenicity of Mesophilic Aeromonas Species.
    Peter Teunis and Maria J. Figueras
    Front Microbiol. 2016 Sep 21;7:1395. eCollection 2016.
    DOI PubMed

  • Aeromonas aquatica sp. nov., Aeromonas finlandiensis sp. nov. and Aeromonas lacus sp. nov. isolated from Finnish waters associated with cyanobacterial blooms
    R. Beaz-Hidalgo , F. Latif-Eugenín , M.J. Hossain , K. Berg , R.M. Niemii, J. Rapala ,C. Lyra , M.R. Liles , M.J. Figueras.
    Syst Appl Microbiol. 2015 May;38(3):161-8.
    DOI PubMed

International Communications (presentations, posters)

  • 2nd International Conference on Antibiotic Resistance, June12th to 15th, 2017., Caparica, Portugal.
    Scientific poster “Prevalence of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli in surface water influenced by municipal wastewater or rural wastewater and agriculture".

  • WSSP Symposium, April 6-7th, 2017, Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
    Cryptosporidium and Giardia in irrigation waters: a health threat. Amorós I, Moreno-Mesonero L, Pérez –Santonja R, Moreno Y, Alonso J.L.

  • 7th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS2017). July 9-13th, 2017, Valencia, Spain.
    • Comparison of two different primer sets and amplification conditions used in an 18s rRNA amplicon-based metagenomics study. L. Moreno-Mesonero, Y. Moreno, I. Amorós, M.A. Ferrús, J.L. Alonso.
    • Evaluation of different DNA extraction methods for the detection of both bacteria (Helicobacter pylori) and protozoa (Acanthamoeba castellanii) in the same sample. L. Moreno-Mesonero, J.L. Alonso, I. Amorós, Ferrús, M.A. Y. Moreno.
    • 18S rRNA amplicon-based Metagenomics for Multiple Identification of waterborne protozoa in irrigation water. Y. Moreno, Yolanda, R. Pérez, L. Moreno-Mesonero, I. Amorós, J.L. Alonso.

  • BioMicroWorld2017 Conference, October 18-20th, 2017, Madrid Spain.
    • Detection of waterborne parasitic protozoan in wastewater treatment plants and irrigation waters. J.L. Alonso, Y. Moreno, L. Moreno-Mesonero, R. Pérez-Santonja, I. Amorós, M. Rusiñol.
    • Identification of pathogenic bacteria associated to free-living amoebae in wastewater samples by 16S rRNA amplicon-based metagenomics. L. Moreno-Mesonero, Y. Moreno, J.L. Alonso, I. Amorós, M.A. Ferrús.

  • IWA-UNC Water Microbiology Conference, 2017, North Carolina, USA.
    • Lecture of Prof. Höller.
    • Characterization of the efficiency and uncertainty of skimmed milk flocculation for the simultaneous concentration and quantification of water-borne viruses, bacteria and protozoa. E. Gonzales-Gustavson, R. Girones, Y. Cardenas, M. Calvo M., M. Figueira, A. Hundesa, I. Amorós, Y. Moreno, L. Moreno-Mesonero, R. Rosell, L. Ganges, R. Araujo.

  • Microbiology and Immunology Laboots online event, 7-8th September, 2016.
    Amplicon-based metagenomic analysis of free-living amoebae microbiome in water samples. L. Moreno-Mesonero, M.A. Ferrús, I. Amorós, J.L. Alonso, Y. Moreno.

  • XXIXth International Workshop on Helicobacter & Microbiota in inflammation & Cancer, 15-17th September, 2016, Magdeburg, Germany.
    16S rDNA metagenomics approach to identify Helicobacter pylori inside free-living amoebae in water samples. L. Moreno-Mesonero, Ferrús M.A., I. Amorós, J.L. Alonso, Y. Moreno.

  • The Water Microbiology Conference. North Carolina, May 17-19th, 2016, U.S.A.
    Oral presentation: Chlorinated and UV- treated reclaimed irrigation water is the source or Aeromonas found in vegetables for human consumption. F. Latif-Eugenín, X. Fernández-Cassi, M. Rusiñol, C. Silvera, R. Beaz-Hidalgo, R. Girones, MJ. Figueras.

  • Water JPI conference. Rome, May 19th, 2016, Italy.
    • New Metagenomics and molecular based tools for European scale identification and control of emergent microbial contaminants in irrigation water. Girones R., Bofill-Mas S., Rusiñol M., Gonzales-Gustavson E., Fernández-Cassi X., Timoneda N., Abril J.M., Schultz A.C., Hellmér M., Aarestrup F.M., Kunze A., Wunderlich A., Seidel M., Schäfer S., Elsäßer D, Figueras M.J., Fernández A., Pérez A., Araujo R., Cárdenas Y.I., Anfruns E.
    • Water Challenges for a Changing World Joint Programming Initiative. Alonso J.L., Amorós I., Moreno L., Moreno M.Y., Höller C., Ahlmann A., Huber S., Papageorgiou G., Antoniou K., Pissarides N., Salvadó H.

  • III simposio latinoamericano de virología ambiental, June 1st-3rd, 2016, Salta, Argentina.
    Metagenomics for the study of viruses in water. Girones, R.; Fernandez-Cassi, X.; Timoneda, N.; Gonzales-Gustavson, E.; Rusiñol, M.; Bofill-Mas, S.; Abril, J.F.

  • XXIXth International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer. Magdeburg, September 13-18th, 2016, Germany.
    16S rDNA metagenomics approach to identify Helicobacter pylori inside Free-living amoebae in water samples. Moreno L; Ferrús MA; Amorós I.; Alonso JL; Moreno Y.

  • Bergey’s International Society for Microbial Systematics. Pune, September 12-15th, 2016, India.
    • Oral presentation: Lessons learnt from the use of genomes in the description of new species of Aeromonas and Arcobacter. M.J. Figueras.
    • Poster presentation. Explosive increase in the discovery of potential new Arcobacter species. M.J. Figueras, A. Pérez-Cataluña, N. Salas-MAssó, F.J. García, R. Alonso, A. Fernández, J.M. Romalde.

  • 5th Food and Environmental Virology conference (ISFEV). Kusatsu, September 13-16th, 2016, Japan.
    • Poster presentation. Evaluation of the microbiological quality of reclaimed water produced from a lagooning system. Fernández-Cassi X., Silvera C., Cervero-Aragó S., Rusiñol M., Latif-Eugeni F., Bruguera- Casamada C., Civit S., Araujo R.M., Figueras M.J., Girones R., Bofill-Mas S.
    • Oral presentation. Application of metagenomics for the study of the virome of urban sewage and clinical gastroenteritis fecal samples of unknown etiology. Fernández-Cassi X., Timoneda N., Gonzales- Gustavson E., Bartolomé R, Abril J.F., Bofill-Mas S., Girones R.

  • Water JPI conference. Wien, December 1th, 2016, Austria.
    New Metagenomics and molecular based tools for European scale identification and control of emergent microbial contaminants in irrigation water. Rusiñol M., Bofill-Mas S., Gonzales-Gustavson E., Timoneda N., Abril J.M., Fernández-Cassi X., Martínez-Puchol S., Schultz A.C., Hellmér M., Møller F., Kunze A., Wunderlich A., Seidel M., Schäfer S., Elsäßer D., Niessner R., Figueras M.J., Fernández A., Pérez A., Araujo R., Cárdenas Y.I., Anfruns-Estrada E., Alonso J.L., Amorós I., Ferrús M.A., Moreno-Mesonero L., Moreno Y., Höller C., Ahlmann A., Huber S., Papageorgiou G., Antoniou K., Pissarides N., Salvador H., Girones R.

  • ANAKON, April 23-26th, 2015, Graz, Austria.
    Monolithische Affinitätsfiltration: Eine neue Methode zur schnellen Aufkonzentrierung und Aufreinigung von Bakterien und Viren aus Oberflächenwasserproben. Elsässer D, Torggler C, Wunderlich A, Niessner R, Seidel M.

  • TU Wien, May 27th, 2015, Vienna, Austria.
    Systems for rapid concentration and detection of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses to establish an inline hygiene monitoring system for raw and drinking water, Seidel M.

  • Swiss Society for Food Hygiene. Conference: Enteropathogene Viren in Lebensmitteln – Risiken, Methoden und Kontrolle. Zurich June 25th, 2015, Switzerland.
    Invited speaker. Oral presentation. Advances in molecular detection of enteropathogenic viruses in food. Schultz AC.

  • 7th international water and health seminar. Cannes, June 29th – July 1st, 2015, France.
    Oral presentation Simultaneous concentration of virus and bacteria for metagenomic analysis of the irrigation water microbiome, Hellmér M

  • 18th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology (IWA). Lisbon, September 13-18th, 2015, Portugal.
    • Invited conference. Metagenomics for the study of viruses in water and food. R. Girones, X.Fernandez-Cassi, M. Rusiñol, N. Timoneda, D. Aguado, E. Gonzales-Gustavson, S. Bofill-Mas, JF. Abril.
    • Human Virus in Fecally Contaminated Water, The Virome of Urban Sewage. X. Fernandez-Cassi, M. Rusiñol, N. Timoneda, D. Aguado, E. Gonzales-Gustavson, S. Bofill-Mas, JF. Abril, R. Girones.
    • Poster presentation. Efficiency of combined hospital sewage treatment plant to remove norovirus, Nielsen AA, Nielsen U, Schultz AC.
    • Poster presentation. Wastewater is an important reservoir for Arcobacter spp. but Arcobacter cyaerophilus is the dominating species. MJ. Figueras, A. Pérez-Cataluña, A. Levican.

  • 18th International workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and related organisms. Rotorua, November 1-5th, 2015, New Zealand.
    • Oral presentation. Arcobacter butzleri is overestimated when using enrichment culturing. MJ. Figueras.
    • Porter presentation. MALDI-TOF and rpoB sequencing reveals previously undetected case of Arcobacter butzleri from human diarrhea. A. Pérez-Cataluña, C. Benavent, S. Alí-Suárez, J. Tapiol, J. Laso, S. Orient, S. Calabiug, I. Pujol, F. Ballester, A. Rezusta, MJ. Figueras.

  • China International Food Safety & Quality Conference + Expo 2015. Beijing, November 3-4th, 2015, China.
    Oral presentation. Advances in molecular detection of enteric viruses in food andwater. Schultz AC

  • Visiting Speaker at Jangsu Academy of Agricultureal Science. Nanjing, November 6th, 2015, China.
    Oral presentation. Standard methods for molecular detection of enteric viruses in food and water. Schultz AC.

  • Branch of Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Pushchino, November 16th, 2015, Russia.
    • Research fields and current projects, Russian-German, Bioeconomy and Biomedicine, Seidel M.
    • Chemiluminescence Microarrays in Analytical Chemistry, School Conference for Young Scientists, Russian-German Biotech- 2015, Seidel M.

National Communications (presentations, posters)


  • Invited conference. Third symposium of the International Center of Underground Hidrology (FCIHS). Barcelona 2015.
    New technologies for the study of microbial pollution in water. R. Girones, S.Bofill-Mas, X. Fernandez-Cassi, N. Timoneda, M. Rusiñol, L. Guerrero-Latorre, E. Gustavson, A. Hundesa, J. Abril.

  • XIIIth National Virology Congress. June 7-10th , 2015, Madrid.
    Human virus in fecally contaminated water, the virome of urban sewage and clinical gastroenteritis in fecal samples. R.Girones, S.Bofill-Mas, X. Fernandez-Cassi, N. Timoneda, M. Rusinol, L. Guerrero-Latorre, E. Gustavson, A. Hundesa, J. Abril.

  • Science and technology cutting edge on water management and innovation. September 21st, 2015, Madrid.
    New metagenomic and molecular techniques in water pollution control. Girones R, Fernandez-Cassi X, Rusiñol M, Timoneda N, Abril J, Gonzales- Gustavson E, Hundesa A, Bofill-Mas S.

  • XIVth congress of the Spanish Virology Society. June 11-14th, 2017, Cadiz.
    Poster presentation. Irrigation water as source of viral contamination in vegetables. Martínez-Puchol, S., Fernández-Cassi, X., Rusiñol, M., Timoneda, N., Abril, J.F., Bofill-Mas, S., Girones, R.


  • XXVth congress Spanish Society of Microbiology. July 7-10th, 2015, Logroño.
    • Poster presentation. Differential distribution of the two grops of Arcobacter cryaerophilus species depending of water temperature. A. Pérez-Cataluña, A. Levicán, J.C. Fisher, S.L. McLellan, M.J. Figueras.
    • Invited speaker. Aeromonas diversity in aquatic environment and their implications in human and animal health. R. Beaz-Hidalgo, M.J. Figueras.

  • XVIth Meeting of Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity Group of the Spanish Society of Microbiology. June 8-10th, 2015, Santiago de Compostela.
    Oral presentation. Genomic analysis of potential new Arcobacter species using different similarities algorithms. A. Pérez-Cataluña, N. Salas-Massó, S. Rubio-Arcos, M.J. Figueras.

  • XVIth Meeting of Aquatic Environment Group of the Spanish Society of Microbiology. July 20-22th, 2015, Oviedo.
    • Metagenomic analysis and oligotyping of Arcobacter populations in reclaimed water. A. Pérez-Cataluña, M.J. Figueras.
    • Incidence of the new species Aeromonas rivipollensis in reclaimed water. A. Fernández-Bravo, F. Latif-Eugenín, M.J. Figueras.

  • Ist Microbiology Symposium Organized by the Section ofWater Challenges for a Changing World Joint Programming Initiative Microbiology of the Catalan Society of Biology. April 26th, 2016, Barcelona.
    Application of ERIC-PCR genotyping method for screening the prevalence of three cryptic species uncover by Aeromonas media clinical andenvironmental strains. A. Fernández-Bravo, F- Latif- Eugenín, B. Lamy, M.J. Figueras.


  • Holstebro Folke Universitet, January 20th, 2015, Holstebro.
    Invited Speaker. Oral presentation. Fødevarebårne virus – Hvorfor bliver vi syge af hindbær, Schultz AC

  • Visit by Chinese Food Authorities at DTU-Food, September 9th, 2015, Søborg.
    Oral presentation. Danish activities in relation to viruses in food and environment. Schultz AC

  • Water DTU 2nd Internal Seminar, October 6-7th, 2015, Lyngby.
    Oral presentation. Development and Application of Efficient Concentration Methods for Detection of Viruses and Bacteria in Water. Nielsen AA, Idrizi R, Hellmér M, Schultz AC.


  • Hochschullehrernachwuchs-Treffen 2015 der DECHEMA und ProcessNet, February 19th, 2015, Frankfurt.
    Oral presentation. Chemilumineszenz-Mikroarrays: Entwicklung einer Mikroarray- Analysenplattform und Anwendungsbeispiele im Bereich Wasser- und Lebensmittelkontrolle. Seidel M.

  • 9th Deutsches Biosensor Symposium , April 11-13th, 2015, Munich.
    Oral presentation. Analytische Microarrays: Herausforderungen und Potenzial. Seidel M.

  • Universität Stuttgart. June 2nd, 2015, Stuttgart.
    Oral presentation. Chemilumineszenz-Mikroarrays für die analytische Lebensmittelchemie. Seidel M.

  • Workshop on Biosensors & Bioanalytical Microtechniques in Environmental, Food & Clinical Analysis, 11 th , September 26-30th, 2015, Regensburg.
    Oral presentation. Rapid detection of pathogens by flow-based chemiluminescence microarrays. Seidel M.

  • Water Challenges for a Changing World Joint Programming Initiative. Fraunhofer IKTS. October 7th, 2015, Dresden.
    Oral presentation. Schnellaufkonzentrierungs- und Nachweissysteme zum schnellen Hygienemonitoring von pathogenen Mikroorganismen und Viren im Roh- und Trinkwasser. Seidel M.

  • ISAS. October 27th, 2015, Dortmund.
    Oral presentation. Chemiluminescence Microarrays in Analytical Chemistry. Seidel M.

  • International Workshop “Remediating the Human Water Footprint”. January 22-23th, 2015, Garching.
    Poster. Enrichment of Microorganisms and Viruses from Large-Volume Water samples. Elsässer D, Niessner R, Seidel M.

  • Wasser 2015 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft. May 11-13th, 2015, Schwerin.
    Poster. Monolithische Affinitätsfiltration: Eine schnelle und kostengünstige Methode zur Anreicherung und Aufreinigung von Mikroorganismen und Viren aus Wasserproben. Elsässer D, Niessner R, Seidel M.

  • 15th Medical Biodefence Conference, April 26-29th, 2016, Munich.
    Poster. Rapid detection of ESBL-producing bacteria in irrigation water by DNA microarrays. Schäfer S, Niessner R, Seidel M.


  • Microbiology and Infection - Würzburg, Germany, March 6th, to 8th, 2017.
    Poster. Prevalence of antibiotic-resistant water-borne pathogens in two Bavarian rivers.

Dissemination initiatives

  • Workshop on Metagenomics for food and water safety,
    February 9th, Barcelona University.
    Participants: Núria Torner from the Catalan Public Health Service. Josep F. Abril from the Computational Genomics Laboratory, Mª José Figueras from the Rovira Virgili University (Reus) and Rosina Girones from the University of Barcelona.